* Plans & action points for the Hackathon: * Get D2RQ, ok ,including Jena.Installed.: * http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/d2rq/spec/#usingmodel * Jena : problem in communicating with mapping file through D2RQ model: {{{ '''ModelD2RQ m = new ModelD2RQ("!file:doc/mapping-iswc.n3");''' }}} * D2RQ uses the [http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/ Apache Commons - Logging] API for logging. * Command line needs: {{{ $ export ARQROOT=~/ARQ-0.9.5 $ chmod +rx $ARQROOT/bin/* $ export PATH=$PATH:$ARQROOT/bin $ sparql Usage: [--data URL] [exprString | --query file] }}}  {{{ COMMAND_LINE/cygdrive/d/despoina/JenaRoot/bin $ sparql No query string or query file COMMAND_LINE/cygdrive/d/despoina/JenaRoot/bin $ vi a.rq ...write sparql query COMMAND_LINE/cygdrive/d/despoina/JenaRoot/bin $ sparql --query a.rq }}} * The RDF files are missing of course ...so no return results. * http://planetrdf.com/ * Term Choose widget. http://www.geonames.org/export/ajax-postalcode-autocomplete.html * Install Peregrine - Run Peregrine [Peregrine - ontoCAT - MOLGENIS integration] * New Test for * https://wiki.nbic.nl/index.php/Peregrine_Usage#Not_using_maven_.26_spring * and package from here : [http://ws1.grid.sara.nl:21501/artifactory/libs-snapshots-local/org/erasmusmc/data-mining/release/0.3-SNAPSHOT/release-0.3-SNAPSHOT.zip http://ws1.grid.sara.nl:21501/artifactory/libs-snapshots-local/org/erasmusmc/data-mining/release/0.3-SNAPSHOT/release-0.3-SNAPSHO] * PeregrineTest3 OK running! * Disease book : downloaded latest version from SVN * In order to run need molgenis3_3 (where is the setting of choosing/changing the name/path to a molgenis release?) * At the moment downloaded a new release of molgenis --> rename it to 3_3 * Problem running * Mail to Mark. * Sparql from javascript library. * More sparql tests. * conflicts? * Tabulator : The Tabulator is a generic data browser and editor. Using outline and table modes, it provides a way to browse RDF/Linked Data on the web. RDF is the standard for inter-application data exchange. * http://www.w3.org/2005/ajar/tab * http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/release/tabulator/0.7/tab.html * * Loading Data: * Once the Tabulator Extension is installed, simply loading a file that is served with mime type "application/rdf+xml" or "text/n3" will cause the document to be loaded in an outline view (try http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/ajaw/data#Tabulator). * http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/ng4j/semwebclient/index.html * http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/ng4j/disco/ * http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/j-sparql/ * https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jena/ * http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/j-sparql/ * http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/