* SearchIndexOntocat * Although running , compiling produces same error on missing java class from ontocat (Ontologyservice) * besides "No service named !OntologyQuery is available" - * search doesn't return anything , even keywords that exists in the index files. * TODO : the created index in ontocat is just list of ontologies, try other ontoresults , . What else can we use ? * DONE : In CreateIndex class the function createIndex()   (in random place!) creates an index on each database table, considering as a class, by Morris. * DONE : seperated plugin for DB & ontocat .  * DONE: in OntocatIndex the function creating the index on ontocat takes a term(word) as a parameter and asks ols.searchAll for results. These results are indexed after we attach the annotation retrieved from ols (ols.getAnnotations).    * TODO : directoryHasContents() as static in LuceneSearchPlugin or some other library and call it from both plugins . * As static cannot see this.Status , figure out something . * Misc : * Lucene example usage in http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/TheBasics * Notifications on macos : growl