* Debug Lucene plugin : Comparing index results viewed from Luke (lucene index java browser) and searching the terms that appear most common. the terms cannot be found from search , needs reconfiguring. * Some decorations : add images, remove links form header : * file java/plugins/header/MolgenisHeader.ftl * Strangle behavior : * when new table (user) added to the procedute of including in the index : createIndex.buildIndex(Database db) the new values of the new table cannot be found either. Somthing special is set for the tabel Gene . * Assume it's the "test" values" , add some regular text in user table and test angain * Another assumption the recreation of lucene document . Though document 's scope seems only inside for. If deleted , cannot reach document created in previous for (Gene loop) . * If Lucene Document is created in outside of user,gene loops .../, ok ! * * But the created index does not works not even for atp. (Gene table terms) == LUCENE Document should be created for each table (entity?) that is included in the index . == ''' === ''''''''' * ''' '''