== lifelines@gcc == * LL scrum : reorganize of the scrum board * try to log in in https://secure1.raetonline.nl/Aanmelden/aanmeld.aspx & https://www.umcg.nl/CookieAuth.dll?GetLogon?curl=Z2F&reason=0&formdir=7, * problem with UMCG email account --> mail to ICT * Search of Judith Vonh (Rene) or Marco Asmond candidate spss users @ umcg ?? phone ? email? not found * LL project in lifelines_workspace problem with run (500 error fixed) * Project is running but the contents of the table are not show because of this exception : * ____ * java.lang.!IllegalArgumentException: An exception occurred while creating a query in EntityManager: Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [SELECT ov FROM !ObservedValue ov WHERE ov.investigation = :investigation AND ov.feature.name IN (!'') AND ov.target.id IN ()], line 1, column 121: unexpected token [)]. Internal Exception: !NoViableAltException(84!=[709:9: (itemNode= scalarOrSubSelectExpression ( COMMA itemNode= scalarOrSubSelectExpression )* | subqueryNode= subquery )]) * there seems to exist some differences in DBMAtrix.java : * SQLUtils.toSqlArray (SVN) toSqlArray (local) . This is lib cannot be found locally ,. * data was missing for DB ! * DONE . * Bug in creation of spss , value were added as string . DONE * next TODO : SPSS export @lifelines project //TODO : Add in case all the potential values the measurement getDataTypetakes and fill in the appropriarte form in spss outSPSS.addData(value.doubleValue()); * == == == bbmri@gcc == * New data model * DONE : transform xls data to meet this model: Fix categories in two sheets in excel (add an id and fill in ) * DONE : import this xls * 1st attempt : '''For input string: "UMC St. Radboud"''' * '''debug at ''' importAll(excelFile, db, defaults, null, !DatabaseAction.ADD, "", true); * probably because acronym is empty !