= Selenium @ maven = * well I have been these steps already. The problem is in the dependencies of the classes: [INFO] --- !selenium-maven-plugin:1.0-!beta-3:start-server (start) @ molgenis-app-omx --- [WARNING] The POM for org.openqa.selenium.server:!selenium-server:jar:!standalone:1.0-beta-1 is missing, no dependency information available [WARNING] The POM for org.openqa.selenium.client-!drivers:selenium-java-client-!driver:jar:1.0-beta-1 is missing, no dependency information available Have you successfully imported in your pom file the selenium? Are the imports:  //import com.thoughtworks.selenium.!DefaultSelenium; //import com.thoughtworks.selenium.!HttpCommandProcessor; //import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; working for you ? cheers,  ------------------------------- I have also tried: changing dependency to dependency to version 1.0.3.Does not generate. adding from http://mojo.codehaus.org/build-helper-maven-plugin/usage.html where selenium: without the which is not supported (as the error says explicitly: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.8:reserve-network-port (execution: reserve-network-port, phase: process-resources)) Does not generate. version 2.0 although has downloaded several components successfully and generated successfully the import import com.thoughtworks.* cannot be found !http://www.wunderkraut.com/blog/creating-and-running-a-simple-selenium-webdriver-test/2011-09-15