= Home page of Apply Protocols Module = This module allows easy addition of ProtocolApplication and attached ObservedValue instances by choosing protocols and targets and then having an easy form to input values for. This can be used for laboratory protocols (see #717). For computation protocols (see #725) it would be overly complex, so we decided for now that George will build his own simple interface where the user first selects a ComputeProtocol and then fills in its parameters. Both modules will be built using the Molgenis UI components. [[Image(https://docs.google.com/drawings/pub?id=16aZ72Cl5Ou-p3P9cWjJwygAiw_4YO3zJtmyZCqrn7s8&w=960&h=720)]] Workflow: * Select protocol. * Select targets from list of targets and/or list of target groups. Remove unwanted targets again. (In the future we will use a fancy (jQuery?) component for this, but for now we'll stick with the three select boxes and the arrow buttons.) * Press 'Apply'. * Now the user gets to see an editable matrix of the selected targets X the features in the selected protocol. * User can for each feature fill in a default value which is then automatically copied to all the cells in that column. * Individual cells (values) can be edited, when not using defaults or when overriding them. * User can toggle 'Set start/end time for values', giving two extra columns per feature. Here he can fill in the start time of the validity of the value(s) and optionally the end time. The default value principle also applies here. * When done, the user presses the 'Apply' button underneath the matrix and the values are stored in the database. Feature requests for future versions: * Fancy target select box (find-as-you-type). * Value validation. * 'Apply' button only clickable when whole matrix correctly filled in.