= Authentication and Authorization module = [[TOC()]] Details: ||summary: ||Provide user registration and login, an adminstration panel to group users and set user/group permissions (a.k.a class level security) and enable users to specify per object if they want to share (a.k.a. row-level security)|| ||status: ||alpha || ||source: ||http://www.molgenis.org/browser/gcc/trunk/handwritten/java/plugins/auth || ||demo: || || ||manual: || || ||design:||AuthModule/WishList[[BR]]AuthModule/TechDesign[[BR]] AuthModule/Requirements[[BR]] AuthModule/RowLevelPermission|| == What does it do? == TODO explain here the main uses of this plugin. == User stories == These stories are on our todo list or already solved: [[TicketQuery(component=Modules/Auth&type=enhancement&order=status&desc=true)]] == Known bugs == These are bugs reported as part of this module: [[TicketQuery(component=auth&type=bugfix)]] == New user stories [should be moved into tickets and accepted] == [[TOC(AuthModule/UserStories,notitle,inline,noheading)]]