[[TracNav(MolgenisGuide)]] = MOLGENIS generator basics = In this section you go through the basic procedure of generation, compilation and running of a MOLGENIS application. 1. Run the MOLGENIS generator: right-click on the MolgenisGenerate.java program and choose ‘Run as….run as Java Application: [[Image(molgenis-run-generator.gif)]] The MOLGENIS generator parses the *.xml files to read in the model and subsequently translates the model in many Java, SQL and R files that end up in the folder generated/java and generated/sql. All this will be printed to the console. Scroll through the console to get a feel for what has just happened: [[Image(molgenis-generator-console.gif)]] 2. Run the MOLGENIS database updater: right-click the MolgenisUpdateDatabase.java program and choose Run as….Java Application. This will load generated/java/create_tables.sql into mysql database based on the settings in 'molgenis.properties'. [[Image(molgenis-updatedatabase-con.gif)]] 3. Compile the generated application: right-click on the molgenis3_x_distro project and choose [refresh]. This will force Eclipse to discover and compile the code you just generated. 4. Run the application: right-click on the molgenis3_x_distro project and choose [Run as…] -> [Run on server]. [[BR]]Notice: on the first run this will in a dialog asking you to define a new server. Choose Tomcat of your version and choose [next] to point it to the right directory. [[Image(molgenis-run-on-server.gif)]] 5. Finally browse the generated result and test the result by adding data: [[Image(molgenis-first-result.gif)]] Up to MolgenisGuide back to MolgenisWorkspaceBasics next MolgenisAddressBookExample