= BBMRI = = = == Theme 1: fill the database == ==== First goal: get !LifeLines features included in BBMRI biobank. ==== * get BBMRI catalog running : (done) * import the Excel (done) * biobank is a kind of panel * Lifelines is one of the biobanks * Get from Joris is a Excel export (done) ==== Next goal: import more biobank information which we get from our BBMRI-EU colleagues ==== == Theme 2: start with 'semantic molgenis' == ==== First goal: link MOLGENIS to external ontology ==== * first enhance N3 file with external mapping: * then test if we use that ontology in SPARQL query * if works: then update the MOLGENIS model + generator ==== Next step: investigate ontologies that should be linked ==== * how about biobankers list of Marco Roos? * disease ontology? * material ontology? === Actions === * Connect to Pedro to investigate his 'semantic molgenis' work? * Connect to BBMRI-EU to request more data? == (Notes) == * look into data  * cross links —> protein underlying peaks ? * biobanks : phenotypic information e.g lifelines project data : annotate question : ARE there other data set in the world? —> merge into lifelines data … * next step : come up with an "algorithm" that does the mapping . Let's assume we have 2 studies , we would like to merge and export the results  .  * it's not really an algorithm , but more of a "correspondence " rule …If we have 2 questions - "Are they compatible "? or if not what kind of conversion should be done in order to match each other? So then we'll have a meta study ..for each biobank —> mapping  * So we have available 5 biobanks —> project on a single parameter —> bigger statistical analysis  .  * How to model it ? * RDF rules? * parameter in one biobank / corresponding parameter in the other biobank ? * a potential pilot would be like to  1. take 2 pheno DBs ,  1. fill with lifelines data , 1. query that merges the set —> maybe a sparql query ? 1. different question