= MCF Compute Manager = Our computational infrastructure is organised as a ”cloud” and implemented using the [http://www.gridgainsystems.com/ GridGain 2.1.1] cloud development platform. The package can be re-used as a stand-alone application or in a combination with the data management. The whole computational logic is located at one ”cloud” node. We call it the Compute Manager node. The rest of the computational ”cloud” is a standard [http://www.gridgainsystems.com/ GridGain] software deployed in a local network, cluster or server. The topology of our "cloud" is shown in the Figure below. [[Image(back-end.gif, 600)]] MCF Compute Manager consists of two modules: * Job Manager, which distributes jobs across cloud Worker nodes and monitors their executions, and * Resource Manager, which starts and stops Worker nodes on the cluster.