* terminizer : http://terminizer.org/src_20101123/ * gbic server : unsuccessful upload of latest bbrmri molgenis , restart , check disk space . other problems? = an alternative way to upload a war file in the gbic server : = 1. scp molgenis4phenotypeBBMRI.war antonakATgbicserver1.biol.rug.nl:. 1. ssh antonakATgbicserver1.biol.rug.nl 1. (copy the the second server ) scp molgenis4phenotypeBBMRI.war antonakATgbic.target.rug.nl:. 1. sudo cp molgenis4phenotypeBBMRI.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ before upload change directory settings for the index in the lucene.configuration.properties. /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart