* Lifeline scrum : (10 minutes) Herman is working on the data export which will be sent to me . This will be imported in the biobank database . * so the data model (and the DB) has to be adjusted to the meet the new fields. * http://www.jsftutorials.net/components/building.html * Tried running the ticker example in eclipse & net beans. in eclipse teh option of run in serevr is not available,. In netbeans : /Users/despoina/Downloads/Step0 2/ticker/nbproject/!build-impl.xml:693: The module has not been deployed. * BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds) * Check demo on http://vm7.target.rug.nl/bbmri_gcc/molgenis.do?__target=main&select=submenu crashed because of * Exception :  * java.io.!FileNotFoundException: /home/antonakd/BBMRI/webapps/bbmri_gcc/WEB-INF/classes/plugins/!LuceneIndex/LuceneIndexConfiguration.bbmri.properties (Too many open files) * deploy latest version from localhost (which still doesn't crash!!)