= Attempt to use Matrix implementations in molgenis to import !LifeLines data = Data matrix (Joeri's) added : * {{{
}}} * add model_database : handwritten/datamodel/shared/data.xml,\ * Run , show but error in import --> NULL --> debug Joeri's Matrix to List script http://www.molgenis.org/svn/gcc/trunk/handwritten/java/matrix/test/converters/MatrixToListTest.java * problem with exception (NULL in import database )\ * solved? TODO : update & try ! lifelines (sandbox) * get it running * is loaded with data . * problems with the ui ..solved * problem with type casting (Integer to Object), solved. * LL csv data imported successfully in DB . * TODO : integrate !ConverterLifeLinesPheno.java , LoadLifeLinesData.java in GCC. * import org.molgenis.pheno.Code_feature; //import pheno.feature.Code; import org.molgenis.pheno.!ObservableFeature; //import pheno.feature.!ObservableFeature; import org.molgenis.protocol.Protocol; //import pheno.protocol.Protocol; import org.molgenis.organization.Investigation; //import pheno.system.Investigation; * import jpa : mapper_implementation = jpa, regenerate & run !