= User stories for GIDS =
== Great features currently in GIDS 1.0 ==
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=== As a user I want to be able to import data as quickly and easily as possible ===
Acceptance criteria:
* The import must be a (semi) guided process where it is clear what I must do (next), and what I have done wrong or right
* I want to import .xls formats
* I want to add the data to a specific project
* I want to see if columns are missing in the file and be able to set a default value for that column
* I want to see if there are unidentified columns and be able to assign them to a known column
* Before the data is imported i want to output the sql code to a file
* I want to create automated GIDS ID's, with the first 2 characters from the project in the beginning
=== As a user I want to be able to extract data out of the database ===
* I want to export all the data out of the database
* I want to export all the data from 1 project out of the database
* I want to export a selection of entries in the database
* I want to export data based on a inputfile
* The method export based on file should be able to map a (or multiple) column(s) in the file with a column in the database
* The method export based on file should be able to have a free selection of columns that I want to see in the outputfile
* The method export based on file should be able to deal with multiple line matches
=== As a user I want to be able to view data ===
* I want to have a matrixview with individuals on left (vertically) and their attributes on the top(horizontally)