= Stories for the research portal release of 31 dec 2011 = These are user stories from LifeLines and PanaceaProject. * '''AppCatalogue''' * [StoryCreateBiobankCatalog Create Biobank Catalogue] * [StoryBrowseCatalogAndSelectFeatures Browse And Select Features] * [StoryRequestData Request Data] * [StoryApproveRequest Approve Request] * '''AppInstaller''' * StoryImputeGenoData * StoryConvertGenoData * StoryConvertPhenoData * [StoryNewMolgenisVm Create MOLGENIS VM] * (LifeLines) [StoryLifeLinesFirstRelease Load LifeLines First release] * (LifeLines) [StoryLinkWomToVm Link VM to WOM] * '''AppResearchPortal''' * StoryBrowseAndSelectFeatures * StoryViewAndFilterInMatrix * [StoryDownloadAsPlink Download as PLINK] * [StoryDownloadAsSpss Download as SPSS] * [StoryRunGwasAnalysis Run GWAS analysis] * '''[BackLog Backlog of stories]'''