[[TracNav(MolgenisGuide)]] = Open the MOLGENIS workspace in Eclipse = Many application developers use Eclipse to develop MOLGENIS applications. Therefore a ready made Eclipse project is the standard MOLGENIS distribution. 1. Download the latest 'molgenis_workspace.zip' from http://molgenis.sourceforge.net Just download and unzip. A directory 'molgenisXX_workspace' is created. 1. Start Eclipse and browse to MOLGENIS molgenis3X_workspace you downloaded and unzipped before. Open. You will see in the left pane: [[Image(molgenis-workspace.gif)]] The molgenis3X_workspace contains two projects. (a) molgenis3_x contains all code of the MOLGENIS framework (b) the project molgenis3_x_distro contains an application template which you will use to create the new MOLGENIS application with. 3. Check whether MOLGENIS is properly linked with Java: Right-click on the molgenis3_x project and choose [refresh]. Then right-click on the molgenis3_x_distro project and choose [refresh]. This will force Eclipse to rebuild the code for your platform. [[Image(molgenis-refresh.gif)]] If everything is well then there will be no errors listed in the problems pane on the bottom of your screen. [[Image(molgenis-project-outline.gif)]] 4. (Skip step unless library issues). To link missing system libraries choose [Window] -> [Preferences]. Then browse to Java -> Installed JREs. Finally add your JDK. This should be 1.6! and tick to be used as default. 1. Open the molgenis3_x_distro project and explore. This unveils the basic MOLGENIS application structure: * molgenis.properties contains the settings of your applications. * The *.xml files contain your MOLGENIS models * WebContent contains web resources (images, javascript, etc) * generated/java and generated/sql will contain the output of the MOLGENIS generator. * handwritten/java contains the MOLGENIS generator tools and any programs you will add. back to MolgenisGuide next MolgenisGeneratorBasics