= As a biobank data manager, I want to have a Catalog of the biobank phenotype data = [[TracNav(MolgenisAppStories)]] Scrum: ticket:1051 == How to demo == * We can load data dictionaries from LL and DataSHaPeR into Measurement, Protocol and Category * We introduce a TreeViewer to render Protocols and subprotocols + the attached measurements. * Measurements of the tree can be clicked to view detailed description. * Measurements in the tree can be selected and saved in a list (shopping cart). == Acceptance criteria == * All (LifeLines/BioSHaRE) features are loaded into Measurement, Catagory and Protocol table * Catalog viewer implemented as selectable tree view + table (protocols + measurements) * Individual nodes in the tree can be selected; then details on Measurement are shown * Catalog interface to LL catalog and DataSHaPER incorporated * Shopping cart mechanism implemented * Nodes in the tree can be selected via [v] box * Phenotype and genotype meta data viewable and selectable * (LifeLines) Meta data from both stage layer and generic layer properly displayed == Status == * Functional design / mock-up of Catalog on [[Catalogue]] * We still need a technical design of the Catalog (????) * Despoina and Chao need LL metadata to fill their first version of the catalog with. * (LifeLines) Joris will provide them these data, however, they are still incomplete and will probably change.