= SystemsGenetics = Please edit below to add comments: Major: * The background is scrolling at a different speed than the text is very disoriating and it makes it this makes it difficult / annoying to read the text. Normal: * Why are 'news' and 'output' not the same. I would propose Output should be the 'blog'; news are blog items tagged as 'news'. * Site is sluggish on iPad * I don't really like the flashy video and black background, looks like a hacker website instead of a research portal (+1) * The title video does not work on my iPad. Would be nice if there is some static alternative instead of a big black bar * The background when using an iPad only updates half a second after stopping with scrolling. * The title movie could be a bit more subtle. i.e. the particle things floating around could do this more slowly same holds for movements of the text Minor: * Responsive layout is a bit 'schokkerig'