[[TOC()]] = Using the Taverna interface = This tutorial explain how to access XGAP from within the [http://taverna.sourceforge.net Taverna Workflow Workbench] using web services. == Step 1: Get the webservice URL == Within the XGAP user interface: 1. Go to "Programming interfaces". [[Image(apis.png)]] 2. Click the link at "Access using web services: use this WSDL file". 1. Copy URL of the WSDL file from your browser, for example {{{http://localhost:8080/xgap_1_2_distro/api/soap?wsdl}}}. == Step 2a: Add services to Taverna 1 == Now we will add the XGAP services to the Taverna service catalog. Inside the Taverna 2 workbench: 1. Right-click on 'Available processors' and select 'Add new WSDL scavenger' [[Image(taverna1-1.png)]] 2. Past the URL to the XGAP WSDL file, for example {{{http://localhost:8080/xgap_1_2_distro/api/soap?wsdl}}}, and click OK. [[Image(taverna1-2.png)]] 3. The XGAP webservice appears in the list and can now be used in your workflows. [[Image(taverna1-3.png)]] == Step 2b: Add services to Taverna 2 == Now we will add the XGAP services to the Taverna service catalog. Inside the Taverna 2 workbench: 1. Click "Import new services", and select "WSDL Service". [[Image(taverna2-1.png)]] 2. Past the URL of the WSDL file in this box and click "Add". [[Image(taverna2-2.png)]] 3. The XGAP webservice appears in the list and can now be used in your workflows. [[Image(taverna2-3.png)]]