[[BlogList(recent=5, max_size=250, format=float, heading=News)]] = Project overview = The MOLGENIS project provides an integrated database framework in bioinformatics including UI, R, Java and web service interfaces. This project is supported by University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen Bioinformatics Center [http://www.rug.nl/gbic GBIC], European Bioinformatics Institute [http://www.ebi.ac.uk EBI] and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Center [http://www.nbic.nl NBIC]. = Documentation = [wiki:MolgenisIntro Chapter 1 - Introduction] [wiki:MolgenisGettingStarted Chapter 2 - Getting Started] [wiki:MolgenisFromScratch Chapter 3 - Creating a MOLGENIS from scratch] [wiki:MolgenisFromExisting Chapter 4 - Creating a MOLGENIS from an existing database] = Help us to improve MOLGENIS = by: * adding to the MolgenisGuide,  * brainstorm new ideas on MolgenisEnhancements * request specific enhancements [http://gbic.target.rug.nl/trac/molgenis/newticket New Ticket]. [[BR]] * report bugs as [http://gbic.target.rug.nl/trac/molgenis/newticket Defect Ticket] * or hack the MolgenisSourceCode. [[TagCloud(-Dummy)]]