= Start d2r on molgenis n3 mapping on molgenis4phenotype : = * In local installation d2r-server -p 2020 molgenis.n3 * there are some problems about : * de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.D2RQException: Column @@digital_identity.digital_identity_id@@ not found in database (E0) * Exception in thread "main" java.lang.[wiki:NullPointerException] * at de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rs.!JettyLauncher .start(!JettyLauncher.java:68 ) * at d2r.server.startServer(!server.java:86 ) * at d2r.server.main(!server.java:57 ) * The problem above is a inconsistency of the model that lives in the directory where d2r server is run and the database schema. * Solved by steps: 1. generate in molgenis . 1. update database 1. run 1. copy generated .n3 file in d2r running directory TODO : * Next steps : check which DB it makes use . This digital identity seems to be in a really old DB .(DONE) * after taking NULL EXCEPTION off the command line run of D2R..(DONE - see steps above) * check the SPARQL interface if is running om localhost/8080 http://localhost:2020/snorql/ (DONE check at !http://localhost:2020/snorql/) DONE : 23 !d2rq:jdbcDSN "jdbc:mysql:// "; this is actually used . So copy another molgenis n3 mapping from a valid database. The schemes seems to be incompatible . = '''Start d2r on molgenis n3 mapping on molgenisGCC project :''' = {{{ $$$ mv molgenis-rdf-mapping.n3 molgenis-rdf-mapping_gcc.n3 $$$ d2r-server molgenis-rdf-mapping_gcc.n3 }}} * Fix missing classes: (despoina) * * de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.D2RQException: Object for !d2rq:refersToClassMap not found at !d2rq:PropertyBridge map:'''Biobank_materials''' (E21) *