= Welcome to the e-BioGrid for biobanking wiki = This wiki is to support the e-BioGrid project for biobanking. The main project involves building a model infrastructure for the Dutch Biobank community, [http://www.bbmri.nl BBMRI-NL], that manages resources for the future of biomedical research. It forms a hub in the [http://www.bbmri.eu European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure]. e-BioGrid is open to take Biobanking dedicated projects on board. Contact [http://www.e-biogrid.nl/contact.html e-biogrid] if you are involved in Biobanking and you need support in software or hardware infrastructure, or Morris Swertz (m.a.swertz@rug.nl) if you are interested in this particular project. This project is part of the [http://www.ebiogrid.nl/ e-BioGrid]network of: [[Image(http://www.biggrid.nl/fileadmin/design/resources/logo.gif)]] [[Image(http://www.nbic.nl/fileadmin/images/logo.gif)]]