== xQTL LL user workshop Fri 28 Oct 2011 general comments == * Need more download formats: STATA, SAS, CSV (not TSV) * SNP data should somehow include metadata such as: imputed (yes/no), genome build, reliability, dosage, etc. * There should be a way to merge (part of a / a filtered) phenotype set with a genotype set, and retrieve the result * The application can be slow, need more speed * There are too many tabs, GUI is unclear * Need an hourglass (or something) to indicate the application is busy (blackout screen with progress bar when busy, GeneNetwork style?) * Making selections is too complex * Column paging is confusing * Filtering works 'half' (Joris please explain) * Data viewer should be able to create selections using your own file * Ids should be unreckognizable * Searchfilter should work on all measurements by default * Filters are lost when a user pages, this is annoying * Like other waiting times, applying a filter should cause the app to refresh with a 'wait please' status * Merging is pheno- and geno sets is a special case of using shopping cart (batches) to save selections for re-use elsewhere, this should be implemented