
Version 3 (modified by jvelde, 13 years ago) (diff)


Decorators for database mappers

You can customize the way entities are added, updated or removed by the database logic by adding decorator classes. Start by adding a decorator your your entity:

<entity name="Example" decorator="decorators.ExampleDecorator">

This will put a template decorator '' in a package 'decorators' in your Java source folder. If you open this file, you will notice three functions:

public int add(List<E> entities)

public int update(List<E> entities)

public int remove(List<E> entities)

Each of these functions can be customized with new pre-, post- and database action behaviour, in a sequential layout:

// add your pre-processing here// here we call the standard 'add'int count = super.add(entities);// add your post-processing here// if you throw an exception the previous add will be rolled back


For example, change the value of the field 'name' by turning it into uppercase before adding:

public int add(List<E> entities) throws DatabaseException{ try{ for (Entity e : entities){ e.set("name", e.get("name").toString().toUpperCase()); } } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new DatabaseException(pe); } int count = super.add(entities); return count;}

Remember the functions get a list of entities which can be adressed in the most low-level form (org.molgenis.util.Entity) as shown in the example. However, usually you want to use the generated class for this decorator to use its field functions, so the previous example becomes:

for (Example e : entities){ e.setName(e.getName().toUpperCase());}

Which makes more sense!

If you have multiple pre- and post dependancies, your decorator will become much more tricky and the "pre -> action -> post" order will become blurred. These decorators can become very powerful and save you much work in other places, though.


Decorators follow entity enheritance, which means: say you have an entity A having a decorator, and entity B extends A. You perform a db action on B, now the decorator from entity A is used. Inside the decorator, you can distinguish types (A or B ) by using entity.get__Type(). You can get properties from B inside the decorator with the same functions as you would from A (e.g. B.getName()), any B specific fields can be obtained with B.get("fieldname").