
Version 9 (modified by Erik Roos, 13 years ago) (diff)


MOLGENIS Research Platform - Sprint 11.12

Mission: TBA

Start: 07 March 2011

End: 25 March 2011

Lessons Learnt from evaluation session of Sprint 2 on Mar. 3rd

  • Sprint planning should be done more thoroughly, really think the stories through. Plan the stories in multiple iterations.
  • Tasks should be small and precise so you see progress.
  • We should have research stories and tasks (e.g.: investigate error handling).
  • Be careful with incoming tasks.
  • What to do with new tasks that pop up during the Sprint: add them to the board, including story point estimate, so they become visible.
  • Stories that cannot be broken down beforehand: give them number of story points you are willing to spend on them, then start designing and then break them down as it becomes clear how to do this.
  • Have a clear picture of the prerequisites of a task before you start on it.
  • Have sessions to get feedback on designs people made.
  • Have a history of how tasks moved: maybe write it down on the task post-it.
  • Keep Sprint statistics in spreadsheet to learn from.
  • Stories were too big.
  • 3 weeks may be too short... Suggestion: a month. Or sometimes merge two sprints.
  • Demo took to long. At least insert a break. Don't show off products, demo only what's been done. Install a parking lot for discussion items.
  • Don't discuss new plans during demo. Do it a day later, so you can think about them. Or do the demos in the morning and brainstorm in the afternoon.
  • Morris's role as acceptance guy wasn't properly used. When a task is considered done, ask him to try it, in life or through e-mail. Only when he accepts it, it's allowed to move to 'Done'. He will implement a daily testing slot. Just send him an e-mail and he will test it within 24 hrs (otherwise you may consider the task accepted).
  • Joeri feels he had tasks that were of no importance to the team. Actually, every task is a group effort. We should all adopt this mindset.
  • Joeri works on two locations which makes scrumming hard. We have to find practical solutions for his: do sprint planning at Zernike, use Skype for scrum sessions, have the scrum sessions really early so he can attend them every day.
  • People who work for other customers (LifeLines, GBIC) feel like that's interfering with our scrum. That shouldn't be the case, the scrums should be aligned.
  • Merge the Tuesday and Thursday LifeLines scrums better with ours, so also non-LL people can have a say on those days.

User story suggestions from end-of-sprint demo's

Please add or edit; we will put these in trac before sprint on Monday.

  • As a user I want to batch upload from file in every screen (instead of copy paste).
  • As ontocat search user I want to have my results without duplicates
  • As a developer I want to have more cool widgets (E.g. radiobutton widget, or cool Vaadin, jQuery, extJS, JSF, wicket, dojo, whatever widgets)
  • As a batch apply user I would like to use the mref input to find and select targets
  • As xqtl user I only want to see tabs if there is data in it.
  • As a developer I want to be sure that my application is secure (Danny will be test hacker)
  • As a apply protocol user I want to have feedback that I applied the protocol succesfully
  • As an apply protocol user I want to have the option to start a new protocol application
  • As an apply protocol user I want to browse previous protocol applications so that I can edit them
  • As an apply protocol user I want to apply defaults per feature or for all features at once.
  • As an security user I want to apply permissions on a class and all its subclasses in one go
  • As a security user when a form is not editable I expect the edit menu to be hidden from view.
  • As a user I want to see what user is logged in.
  • As an AnimalDB developer I want to refactor my data model so it complies better to the Pheno model (for instance, subclass ObservationTarget so we can filter on __Type).