
Version 3 (modified by Morris Swertz, 14 years ago) (diff)


Check-out latest MOLGENIS source code into Eclipse Workspace from Subversion

This tutorial explains you how you can checkout the latest MOLGENIS version into an eclipse workspace. At the time of writing this was version 3.3. You will learn that the version number is the last number in the path.

  1. Versions of MOLGENIS are managed in the Subversion code management system. First you need the Subversion plugin that allows Eclipse to access subversion repositories.
    • Open Eclipse and select a workspace.
      Choose Help -> New Software
      Then enter into Work With
      Select all SVNKit and Subversion packages except CollabNet and Mylyn and finish the installation.
      Restart Eclipse when asked.
  2. In Eclipse then open the Subversion perspective
    Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> SVN Repository Browsing
  3. Add the MOLGENIS svn.
    Inside SVN Repositories pane right-click and select New -> Repository Location
    Type the following URL:
    If you now click the newly added URL you can browse the repository
  4. Each MOLGENIS consists of the core 'molgenis' and a distro 'molgenis_distro'. We will checkout version 3.3:
    Inside SVN browse to 'molgenis', right-click '3.3' and choose 'checkout'. Finish with default options.
    Inside SVN browse to 'molgenis_distro', right-click '3.3' and choose 'checkout'. Finish with default options.
    Warning: if you have checked-out before then your previous project will be overwritten if you are not careful.
  5. Switch back to the Java perspective
    Choose WIndow -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Java