Enlighten Your Research Global Award: Virtual Machine Images for Life Science Research
Denver (USA) 18 November 2013 – One of the four prestigious "Enlighten Your Research Global" has been awarded to an idea developed by an ELIXIR working group for the sharing of virtual machines over research and education networks.
MOLGENIS/compute at IWSG-2013
MOLGENIS/compute was presented at 5th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at NBIC-2013
Towards visual analytics of bio-workflows presentation was given at the NBIC-2013 conference, Lunteren, Netherlands
Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at BIOINFORMATICS-2013
"Visualization of bioinformatics workflows for ease of understanding and design activities" paper will be presented at the BIOSTEC-BIOINFORMATICS-2013 conference, on February 11th, 2013, Bercelona, Spain. [http://www.molgenis.org/raw-attachment/blog ...
MOLGENIS/compute workshop at BioAssist meeting
MOLGENIS/compute workshop took place at the NBIC Bio Assist meeting, in Utrect, Oct.12, 2012
MOLGENIS/compute at IWSG-Life 2012
MOLGENIS/compute demo was given at the 4th International Workshop on Science Gateways for Life Sciences, May 23-25 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
MOLGENIS/compute at NBIC-2012
MOLGENIS/compute demo was given at the NBIC-2012 conference in Lunteren, Netherlands, Apr.23, 2012
MOLGENIS/compute was accepted as a full paper and presented at the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, Algarve, Portugal, Feb.3 2012. (BIOINFORMATICS 2012 received 109 submissions, of which 14% were accepted as ...
MOLGENIS/compute at NPC-2011
Poster: "Monitoring and error-handling of bioinformatics workflow execution in a distributed environment" will be presented at the Netherlands Proteomics Conference, NPC-2011, Utrecht, Netherlands, January 13, 2011
MOLGENIS/compute at PDP-2011
MOLGENIS/compute will be presented at the 19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing, PDP 2011, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, February 9-11, 2011. [http://www.molgenis.org/raw-attachment/blog/mcf-cyprus/pdp-201 ...
About MOLGENIS/compute
MOLGENIS/compute is a framework for bioinformatics which enables large scale data and computational workflow management in a distributed execution environment.
Getting Started
Compute 5 (for research and development):
- Download latest stable MOLGENIS/compute 5 distribution (command-line version)
- Download latest beta build of MOLGENIS/compute from Jenkins
- MOLGENIS/compute source code @ GitHub repository
- MOLGENIS/compute user guide @ GitHub repository
Compute 5 VM for NGS analysis
- Presentation at BBMRI-BioBank Cloud meeting (May 2014, Stockholm, Sweden) by Freerk van Dijk
- Presentation at DTL focus NGS pipeline meeting (April 2014, Utrecht) by Freerk van Dijk
- Presentation at IWSG-2013 (June 2013, Zurich, Switzerland) by George Byelas
- Presentation at the Target conference (April 2013, Groningen) by Martijn Dijkstra
- Presentation at eBioGrid (December 2012, Amsterdam) by Morris Swertz
- Presentation at NBIC BioAssist (October 2012, Utrecht) by George Byelas & Freerk van Djik
- Scaling bio-analyses from computational clusters to grids (2013)
- Introducing Data Provenance and Error Handling for NGS Workflows within the MOLGENIS Computational Framework (2012)
- Towards a MOLGENIS based computational framework (2011)
Old compute 4 (recommended for production work):
- MOLGENIS/compute v4 User Guide
- Imputation pipeline
- Next-generation sequencing pipeline
- Installation of tools
- Compiled MOLGENIS/compute v4 distribution of 2013-03-08
Where is MOLGENIS/compute used?
Who develops MOLGENIS/compute?
MOLGENIS/compute is created by the Genomics Coordination Center team in the University Medical Centre Groningen, the Netherlands.
Attachments (13)
- logos1.jpg (26.0 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- Swertz_eBioGrid_final_presentation.pdf (6.0 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
- October_2012.pdf (4.2 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
molgenis_compute-dc6ac9c.zip (21.8 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
Distribution of MOLGENIS/compute v4
molgenis_compute-fb05467.zip (21.8 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
Distribution of MOLGENIS Compute IV
- DijkstraTargetConference2013.pdf (7.8 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
- IWSG-2013.pdf (2.1 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
- IWSG-2013-presentation.pdf (7.4 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
- tutorial.html (343.9 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
- molgenis-compute-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-distribution.zip (6.0 MB) - added by 11 years ago.
- molgenis-compute-core-1.0.0-20140402.104325-2-distribution.zip (8.0 MB) - added by 11 years ago.
- MolgenisCompute_2014-04-15_FvD.pdf (20.5 MB) - added by 11 years ago.
- MolgenisCompute_2014_05-15_FvD.pdf (20.8 MB) - added by 11 years ago.