
Version 3 (modified by george, 14 years ago) (diff)


Script Example

The scripts for analysis operations are generated from templates (Template Example). Every script for execution on a cluster consists of a header and body. Besides other parameters, a cluster header contains information about the maximum operation execution time. Execution will be stopped, if it exceeds the maximum time :

# execution time = 5 hours
#PBS -l walltime=05:00:00 

Additionally, a header contains path to the files, where command-line output and error will be written:

#PBS -e /data/user123/monitor/analysis1/job1_step02.err
#PBS -o /data/user123/monitor/analysis1/job1_step02.out

A script body contains supplementary print-out commands used for logging/monitoring of job execution and a main command line, which is an invokation of an analysis tool.