
Version 1 (modified by trac, 14 years ago) (diff)


Log of 2010-03-08

Peregrine : * Peregrine is an indexing engine. The main goal of this project is to parse the input text and search for predefined terms. The term may refer one or several concepts and Peregrine tries to disambiguate them.

downloaded war file . Imported in eclipse as "Import -> Web --> war file" . Also included libraries. Not run yet. Edited pom.xml (/peregrine-api-0.1/src/META-INF/maven/ and added from'''Peregrine Questions : * run Usage '

  • is there a UI?
  • so basically we should be able to see a text and be able to identify or highlight terms, how is this done in Peregrine?

(mail : 
