Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DespoinaLog/2011/04/05

2011-04-05T14:22:57+02:00 (13 years ago)



  • DespoinaLog/2011/04/05

    v1 v1  
     1= BBMRI comments =
     2 1. I have the text that BBMRI office would like to have on the contact page: - ok 
     3 1. 2) Exports: They would prefer if it is possible to have exports into native XLS files. - this is still on development
     4 1. 3) Title and other window decorations:
     5   * The name of the application should be: Catalog of Dutch biobanks (note the S at the end)
     6   * And there is also the request to have the following text in top right of each Window: Biobanking and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure
     7   * (Which is the full name of BBMRI, I think it should be below the BBMRI logo if anywhere). I don't know how easy it is to put this somewhere.  - ok. 
     8 1. 4) When you login you really should not end up on your account page. I would prefer if you would end up on the Biobanks Overview page - still on development
     9 1. 5) The numeric id should not be displayed - this is still on development
     10 1. 6) The column Institutions is missing from the table, something goes wrong with the allignment of the data with the column headers. ok 
     14= D2R generate map & rdf in molgenis =
     15 * New plugin in molgenis . 
     16   * Using the d2rq api :
     17   * Creates D2rQ mapping  ,  graph D2R and queries in sparql
     18   * ...still in development