19 | | Data processing is still in progress. If you want to participate in the analysis or have interest in using preliminary data please: |
20 | | 1. Fill in the attached form a short description of your research proposal and email to [h.h.m.lauvenberg@umcg.nl Hélène Lauvenberg] |
21 | | 2. Your research proposal will be evaluated by the GoNL steering committee |
22 | | 3. If positive, you will receive a non-disclosure agreement |
| 19 | Data processing is still in progress. If you want to participate in the analysis or have interest in using preliminary data please submit a request for data: |
| 20 | 1. Fill in the [http://www.nlgenome.nl/raw-attachment/wiki/GonlStart/14-09-2011GoNLDATA_ACCESS_POLICY_CONDITIONS_FINAL.pdf attached form] a short description of your proposal and email to [h.h.m.lauvenberg@umcg.nl Hélène Lauvenberg] |
| 21 | 2. Your research request will be evaluated by the GoNL steering committee |
| 22 | 3. If positive, you will receive a non-disclosure agreement as described with the form |