Changes between Version 44 and Version 45 of HPC_deploy

2017-06-15T19:13:19+02:00 (8 years ago)
Pieter Neerincx



  • HPC_deploy

    v44 v45  
    323323A: When you have an !EasyConfig of type {{{easyblock = 'Bundle'}}} with a long list of extra  modules, packages, etc. for a language like Perl, Python, R, etc. and your install failed partially it ain't fun to start all over from scratch.
    324324You can resume the install after fixing the issue when
    325 * Your config specifies the extension defaultclass (= the !EasyBlock) using {{{exts_defaultclass = 'someEasyBlock'}}}
    326 * and the extension filter (= command to test whether installation of the extension succeeded) using {{{exts_filter = ("someCommand", "")}}}
    327 * and when you've added the path where the additional modules/packages will be installed to the language specific environment variable that is used to search for extras - {{{PERL5LIB}}} for Perl, {{{PYTHONPATH}}} for Python, {{{R_LIBS}}} for R, etc.
     325* your !EasyConfig specifies
     326  * the extension defaultclass (= the !EasyBlock) using
     327    {{{
     328exts_defaultclass = 'someEasyBlock'
     329    }}}
     330  * and the extension filter (= command to test whether installation of the extension succeeded) using
     331    {{{
     332exts_filter = ("someCommand", "")
     333    }}}
     334  * and adds the path where the additional modules/packages will be installed to the language specific environment variable that is used to search for extras - {{{PERL5LIB}}} for Perl, {{{PYTHONPATH}}} for Python, {{{R_LIBS}}} for R, etc. using
     335    {{{
     336modextrapaths = {'ENVVAR': ['path', 'another/path']}
     337    }}}
    328338* and when you use the {{{--skip}}} and {{{--resume}}} commandline options for the {{{eb}}} command - e.g.
    329339  {{{