
Version 48 (modified by Morris Swertz, 14 years ago) (diff)




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List of modules

Name Description Applications Status Screenshot
Study Capturing
AuthModule Secures your data by letting users register themselved and login before entering the application All ? Beta version Screenshot of the Auth module Login screen
Modules/ApplyProtocol Choose a protocol and observation targets and then easily add observations in this protocol All ? Planned
Modules/ImportWizard Import any MOLGENIS data into your database using Excel files All ? Draft
Batchesplugin Make batches of entities and applies protocols to them at once NgsLims, AnimalDb? Draft Very simple mock-up of the Batches plugin UI
VersionablePlugin? Add versioning infomation to your tables All? Incubating
SubmissionModule? Keep track of data uploaded in a single submission MutationDb? Draft
RichWizard User friendly importing of complex datasets All ? W.I.P.
Study Sharing
StudyBookModule? Shows an overview of elements in a study, for example InvestigationElements, Data and Files. XGAP, Pheno, NGS Prototype
MatrixModule Browse matrix data, allows twodimensional filtering, sorting and searching. xQTL, AnimalDB Prototype
HeatMapModule? View matrix data as an adjustable heatmap xQTL Draft
RplotsModule? Create simple R plots from matrix data xQTL Draft
IndexBasedSearch Index based search on your database data or an ontology (including query expansion) BBMRI prototype
Analysis Pipelines
Modules/Compute Define and run compute protocols xQTL, NGS Prototype
JobManagerModule? Monitor and manage computational jobs xQTL, NGS Prototype

Status options

Incubating User stories being collected/written
Planned Scheduled to start work
W.I.P. Currently under development
Prototype One or more first implementations exists for review
Draft Working towards final version, working demo
Finished Module is done, but can undergo fixes or small changes

Old ideas

See ModulesOld

Attachments (10)

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