Version 9 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
MOLGENIS components
Here you can find summaries and links on the components listed in the ticket system. We distinguish two groups of components as listed below. Also the use of keywords is explained.
Shared components
these are reusable models (or 'semi-finished module) used across multiple molgenis environments.
component | summary | used |
org.molgenis.db | molgenis database backend | all systems |
org.molgenis.ui | molgenis user interface framework | all systems |
org.molgenis.compute | molgenis compute framework including 'cluster' and 'script submission' tools | impute, xqtl, ngs |
org.molgenis.xgap | high-throughput low variability data model for markers, snps, probes, qtls etc | xqtl-workbench, ngs-lims, gwas-workbench |
org.molgenis.pheno | low-throughput data model high variability data model for phenotypes | col7a1, animaldb, biobank-warehouse | | data model, user interface & back-end to browse and search available data in a matrix form | col7a1, animaldb, biobank-warehouse |
Application components
These are specific applications (or 'end-product') build for a particular project or user group.
application | description | projects that participate |
biobank-atlas | datawarehouse application to explore all available observation data | lifelines, bbmri, gids |
Dependencies and other keywords
Obviously there can be a dependency between components. For example, 'animaldb' depends on 'auth'. To make this dependency visible and queryable we use the keywords field. For example: if 'animaldb' and 'col7a1' both have a dependency on a ticket in the auth component this ticket will have keyewords 'animaldb col7a1'.