
Version 1 (modified by jvelde, 14 years ago) (diff)


How to deploy a MOLGENIS project under a different name

This manual explains how you can succesfully deploy a MOLGENIS project under a different name and database. For example, 'animaldb' instead of 'xgap_1_4_distro'. This means you do not have to copy your project in order to set up a new instance with another name.

There are two solution flavours, depending on the situation you can make a choice:'

  • Permanent solution: This change persists, but will only take place when you re-generate your project.
  • Temporary solution: This change takes effect immediatly, but will be overwritten the next time you re-generate your project.

Project name

Permanent solution: Change the property 'molgenis name' in the last MOLGENIS XML file that is loaded by the parser. For example: molgenis name="animaldb" and run
Temporary solution: C
hange 'getMolgenisVariantID()' in MolgenisServlet. For example: return "animaldb";.

Database name

Permanent solution: Change db name in ''. For example: db_uri= jdbc:mysql://localhost/'''animaldb'''?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 and run
Temporary solution:
Change 'url' in META-INF/context.xml. For example: url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/'''animaldb'''?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2".

Deploy name

Now deploy as animaldb.war so the URL will be:

Optional: add or remove security

Add or enable to WEB-INF/web.xml the properties <security-constraint>, <login-config>, <security-role>. For example:



The role that is required to log in to the application.

Final note

My personal convention is to have the SAME (simple, lowercased) name everywhere. So as molgenis name, database name, deploy name, role name. This will save you a lot of trouble for (hopefully) obvious reasons. The actual name of your base project (from which you can spawn instances) doesn't matter then.