Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of MolgenisPlugins

2010-10-11T10:23:33+02:00 (14 years ago)
Erik Roos



  • MolgenisPlugins

    v13 v14  
    1717  * Location:
    1818  * Author: Erik
    19   * Function: Add one or more animals to the database, specifying its name, species, sex and genotype.
     19  * Function: Add one or more animals to the database, specifying their name, species, sex and genotype.
    2020 * !RemAnimalPlugin
    2121  * Location:
    5757  * Location:
    5858  * Author: Erik
    59   * Function: Show a matrix of targets x features. The user can select from a selectbox features they want to be shown. Selecting again removes the feature from the matrix again. It is possible to browse through the targets. Furthermore, the user can search in the whole table or in one or more columns, of which the result set can be saved into a targetgroup. jQuery technology is used to construct this matrix. The !EventViewerJSONServlet is the underlying datasource, spitting out the data the user wants to see formatted in JSON, so jQuery can parse it into the matrix.
     59  * Function: Show a matrix of targets x features. The user can select from a selectbox features they want to be shown. Selecting again removes the feature from the matrix again. It is possible to browse through the targets. Furthermore, the user can search in the whole table or in one or more columns, of which the result set can be saved into a targetgroup. jQuery technology is used to construct this matrix. The EventViewerJSONServlet is the underlying datasource, spitting out the data the user wants to see formatted in JSON, so jQuery can parse it into the matrix.
    6060 * !ListPlugin2
    6161  * Location:
    6565  * Location:
    6666  * Author: Erik
    67   * Function: Select a location and this plugin shows how it fits into the location hierarchy. The LocationInformationServlet provides the appropriate HTML.
     67  * Function: Select a location and this plugin shows how it fits into the location hierarchy. The !LocationInformationServlet provides the appropriate HTML.
    6868 * !AddSpecialGroupPlugin
    6969  * Location: