Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of MolgenisTicketFaq

2010-12-01T10:48:15+01:00 (14 years ago)
Morris Swertz



  • MolgenisTicketFaq

    v13 v14  
    2525== Size of tickets? ==
    27 If you can't easily answer the questions above for your ticket is probably too big!
     27Tickets should be not be to big or too small; about THREE tickets per personweek is enough.
     28If you can't answer the questions above in 15 mins your ticket is probably too big!
     29If you can answer them in 1 min your ticket is too small.
     30Please bundle small todos into ONE ticket so we can still discuss them during workmeeting.
    29 In that case it needs to be in a chain of smaller tickets, and the first ticket is than to answer all these questions.
    30 For example: '''Design a user interface for LIMS''' is way too big. Expected evolution of your tickets in such case:
    31 * Ticket 1: '''Create a mock-up for lab data-entry based on protocols'''.
     32For example: '''Design a user interface for LIMS''' is way too big. Expected evolution of your tickets in such case could be:
     33* Ticket 1: '''Create a mock-up for lab data-entry based on protocols'''. Basically you now make answering Q1 and Q2 a ticket :-)
    3234 Expected output is a wiki page with the mock-up that has been evaluated with Morris and/or team members.
    3335* Ticket 2: '''Implement user interface for lab data-entry based on protocols'''.