Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of SopUpdateBbmriApp

2013-05-29T14:25:05+02:00 (11 years ago)



  • SopUpdateBbmriApp

    v33 v34  
    5858 * <apply mysql commands>
    60 '''2.8 Backup & replace the war file on server''':
     60=== '''2.8 Backup & replace the war file on server''': ===
    6261 * The war file is in /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war
    6362 * BACKUP : cp  /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war ~/warFiles/<date_bbmri.war>
    7877= 5. Deploy at live server =
    7978== Copy war & db from test to live ==
    80  * From your computer: 
    81    * scp biobanksLatestTest.war 
    82    * scp<date>LIVEdata.mysql LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql  
    83  * To live server: 
    84    * scp  biobanksLatestTest.war  
    85    * scp  LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql
    86  * in live server : 
     79 * From your computer:
     80   * scp biobanksLatestTest.war
     81   * scp<date>LIVEdata.mysql LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql
     82 * To live server:
     83   * scp  biobanksLatestTest.war
     84   * scp  LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql
     85 * in live server :
    8786   * backup your database & application before moving the new files:
    88      * cp   /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war  ~/warFiles/biobanks<date>.war
     87     * cp   /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war  ~/warFiles/biobanks<date>.war
    8988     * mysqldump bbmri -u molgenis –pmolgenis > ~/databaseDumps/<date>bbmriDB.mysql
    90    * Replace the war file on server as in step 2.8 
    91  * check your deployment at ! 
     89   * Replace the war file on server as in step 2.8
     90 * check your deployment at !
    101    CREATE TABLE !`BiobankSubCategory` (
    102     !`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    103     PRIMARY KEY (!`id`),
    104     CONSTRAINT !`biobanksubcategory_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !`OntologyTerm` (!`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
    105   ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
    108   INSERT INTO !BiobankSubCategory (id)
    109   SELECT id
    110   FROM !BiobankCategory
    111   WHERE id  NOT IN ("281", "284", "285") ;
    113   CREATE TABLE !BiobankPersonRole (
    114               id INTEGER NOT NULL
    115               , PRIMARY KEY(id)
    116   );
    118   alter table !OntologyTerm modify   column !__Type enum('!OntologyTerm','!PersonRole','Species','!AlternateId','!BiobankCategory','!BiobankTopic','!BiobankDataType', '!BiobankSubCategory','!BiobankPersonRole');
    121   ALTER TABLE Biobank DROP FOREIGN KEY biobank_ibfk_5;
    123   ALTER TABLE !BiobankSubCategory ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !OntologyTerm (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    125   ALTER TABLE !`BiobankSubCategory` 
    126   ADD CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5`
    127       FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !OntologyTerm (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; this exists already from his creation)
    129   ALTER TABLE Biobank ADD FOREIGN KEY (!SubCategory) REFERENCES !BiobankSubCategory (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT;
    131   ALTER TABLE !`Biobank` 
    132   ADD CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_885`
    133       FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !BiobankSubCategory (id)  ON DELETE CASCADE;
    137   DELETE FROM !BiobankCategory
    138   WHERE id  NOT IN ("281", "284", "285") ;  
    142   ALTER TABLE !BiobankPersonRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    145   ALTER TABLE !`BiobankPersonRole` 
    146   ADD CONSTRAINT !`BiobankPersonRole_ibfk_33`
    147       FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id)  ON DELETE CASCADE;
    149   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='282';
    150   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='283';
    151   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='286';
    152   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='287';
    153   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='288';
    154   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='289';
    155   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='290';
    156   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='291';
    157   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='292';
    158   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='293';
    159   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='295';
    160   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='296';
    161   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='297';
    162   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='298';
    163   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='564';
    164   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='299';
    165   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='294';
    169   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="Software Engineer";
    170   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=561;
    171   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    172   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(561);
    174   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="coordinator";
    175   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=593;
    176   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    177   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(277);
    179   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="postdoc";
    180   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=594;
    181    select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    182   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(278);
    184   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="administrator";
    185   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=595;
    186   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    187   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(279);
    190   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="IT responsible";
    191   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=596;
    192   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    193   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(280);
    195   //how to make values of Person Role appear in ui , you have to delete some old from DB :
    197   create a new Coordinator Role in the ui and remember the id 591 (select * from !PersonRole; --> the latest one, or check from ui )
    198   correct the Person table with t he new entry(that is not show in the ui) :
    200   update Person set Roles=591 where Roles=277
    202   delete the old one : 
    204   delete from !PersonRole where id=277;
    205   delete from  !BiobankPersonRole  where id=277;
    206   delete from !OntologyTerm  where id=277;
    208   repeat the same step for all of them
    211   COMMIT;
    213   ===========================================================
    214   !SubCategory
    215   biobank_ibfk_1
    216     CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !`BiobankSubCategory` (!`id`)
    217     CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !`BiobankSubCategory` (!`id`),
    220   CREATE TABLE !BiobankPersonRole (
    221               id INTEGER NOT NULL
    222               , PRIMARY KEY(id)
    223   );
    225   ALTER TABLE !BiobankPersonRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    227   alter table !OntologyTerm modify   column !__Type enum('!OntologyTerm','!PersonRole','Species','!AlternateId','!BiobankCategory','!BiobankTopic','!BiobankDataType', '!BiobankSubCategory','!BiobankPersonRole');
    229   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='282';
    230   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='283';
    231   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='286';
    232   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='287';
    233   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='288';
    234   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='289';
    235   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='290';
    236   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='291';
    237   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='292';
    238   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='293';
    239   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='295';
    240   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='296';
    241   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='297';
    242   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='298';
    243   UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='564';
    245   /*below we resolve the problem of duplicate entries in ontology term for !PersonRole*/
    247   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="Software Engineer";
    248   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=561;
    249   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    250   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(561);
    252   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="coordinator";
    253   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=593;
    254   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    255   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(277);
    257   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="postdoc";
    258   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=594;
    259    select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    260   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(278);
    262   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="administrator";
    263   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=595;
    264   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    265   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(279);
    268   select * from !OntologyTerm where name="IT responsible";
    269   delete from !OntologyTerm where id=596;
    270   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
    271   insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(280);
    274   COMMIT;
     98   '''How to update bbmri app'''
     100       '''Quick tutorial'''
     1021) Copy the mysqldump from the live server to the test server [[BR]] 2) Deploy the new war file on the testserver[[BR]] 2.1) Check if there are errors according to changes in the model. There are 2 ways:
     105 * compare the mysql from the live and the testserver
     106 * check in the application if there are errors
     1082.2) If there are changes, make the migration script[[BR]]
     110'''Detailed tutorial'''
     112'''1. Export war & mysql file locally'''
     114'''1.1 Run the app on your molgenis-legacy workspace (using tomcat, not standalone)'''
     117 1. Export the war file
     118   1. In eclipse: File--> export --> Web --> war file
     119 1. The database is updated as follows: apply the mysql changes that you have made locally to the database on the server, so that you have the latest version of data for the server and the changes you want applied there. About the database changes you need to track them in a migration a file like one in the end of this document.
     121'''2. Deploy to test server'''
     124 1. As also listed here: the '''test server''' is at molgenis35( and the '''production server''' at molgenis14( .
     125 1. First deploy at test server, notify [ david.van.enckevort AT]. He will notify BBMRI office, they will review the changes and if everything is ok proceed to updating bbmri production server.
     126 1. Deploy at test server: molgenis35 (Take a look here also ) :
     127   1. Ask credentials for molgenis35/molgenis14 from Pieter or Morris.
     129'''2.1 Create migration script according to data in live server'''
     132 1. If you know the exact changes of the database, compared to the old version in live server, then the migration script is consisted of the commands that synchornize the two versions.
     133 1. You do not know, you can can compare the mysql dump files between the live and the local version. This is easier if you dump only the schemas (not the data) .
     134   1. First ssh to molgenis14, create file & copy it
     135     1. ssh
     136     1. create a dump file: mysqldump --no-data, -d bbmri -u molgenis –pmolgenis > ~/databaseDumps/<date>bbmriDBlive.mysql
     137     1. LOCALLY : scp<date>bbmriDB.mysql ./mysql<date>LIVEdata.mysql
     138   1. create a local dump file: mysqldump --no-data, -d bbmri -u molgenis –pmolgenis > ~/databaseDumps/<date>bbmriDBlocal.mysql
     139   1. diff <date>bbmriDBlive.mysql <date>bbmriDBlocal.mysql
     141'''2.2 Copy war file & migration script from your computer to test server'''
     144 1. Copy the war file and the mysql migration script from your computer to the server as follows:
     145   1. scp <filename>.war
     146   1. scp <migrationScriptFilename>
     148'''2.3 Copy live data from your computer to test server'''
     151 1. scp ./mysql<date>LIVEdata.mysql<date>LIVEdata.mysql
     153'''2.4 Deploy at test server'''
     156 1. Ssh to the server:
     157   * ssh
     158   * You are now at /srv/molgenis/ where your files where copied.
     160'''2.5 Backup Database'''
     163 1. mysqldump bbmri -u molgenis –pmolgenis > ~/databaseDumps/<date>bbmriDB.mysql
     164 1. Check the dumbed file if it is not just an error file …
     166'''2.6 Insert the data from live server to test server'''
     169 * '''Insert live data (copied from your computer previously)'''
     170   * mysql -u molgenis -pmolgenis bbmri < ./databaseDumps/mysql<date>LIVEdata.mysql
     172'''2.7 Apply migration steps:'''
     175 * mysql -u molgenis –pmolgenis
     176 * use bbmri
     177 * <apply mysql commands>
     179'''2.8 Backup & replace the war file on server:'''
     182 * The war file is in /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war
     183 * BACKUP : cp /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war ~/warFiles/<date_bbmri.war>
     184 * Delete the old *.war (Do NOT stop tomcat; leave it running): rm /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war
     185 * Wait a few seconds; Tomcat will notice the *.war is gone and then it will remove the unzipped folder.
     186 * Copy the the new *.war to the webapps dir; Tomcat will detect the new *.war and unzip it.
     187   * cp <filename>.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war
     188 * You can check the tomcat & mysql service with:
     189   * sudo service tomcat6 status
     190   * sudo service mysqld status
     192'''3. Check your deployment'''
     195 * Check your deployment at:
     197'''4. Inform bbmri office'''
     200 * Email David [ david.van.enckevort AT]. and wait till they test the server. When that step is done you can deploy to live server.
     202'''5. Deploy at live server'''
     204'''Copy war & db from test to live'''
     207 * From your computer:
     208   * scp biobanksLatestTest.war
     209   * scp<date>LIVEdata.mysql LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql
     210 * To live server:
     211   * scp biobanksLatestTest.war
     212   * scp LIVEdataSynchonized.mysql
     213 * in live server :
     214   * backup your database & application before moving the new files:
     215     * cp /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/biobanks.war ~/warFiles/biobanks<date>.war
     216     * mysqldump bbmri -u molgenis –pmolgenis > ~/databaseDumps/<date>bbmriDB.mysql
     217   * Replace the war file on server as in step 2.8
     218 * check your deployment at !
     223 * Find miscellaneous issues here:
     224 * An old example migration file:
     226   CREATE TABLE !`BiobankSubCategory` (
     228    !`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
     230    PRIMARY KEY (!`id`),
     232    CONSTRAINT !`biobanksubcategory_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !`OntologyTerm` (!`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
     234  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
     240  INSERT INTO !BiobankSubCategory (id)
     242  SELECT id
     244  FROM !BiobankCategory
     246  WHERE id  NOT IN ("281", "284", "285") ;
     250  CREATE TABLE !BiobankPersonRole (
     252              id INTEGER NOT NULL
     254              , PRIMARY KEY(id)
     256  );
     260  alter table !OntologyTerm modify   column !__Type enum('!OntologyTerm','!PersonRole','Species','!AlternateId','!BiobankCategory','!BiobankTopic','!BiobankDataType', '!BiobankSubCategory','!BiobankPersonRole');
     266  ALTER TABLE Biobank DROP FOREIGN KEY biobank_ibfk_5;
     270  ALTER TABLE !BiobankSubCategory ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !OntologyTerm (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     274  ALTER TABLE !`BiobankSubCategory` 
     276  ADD CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5`
     278      FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !OntologyTerm (id) ON DELETE CASCADE; this exists already from his creation)
     282  ALTER TABLE Biobank ADD FOREIGN KEY (!SubCategory) REFERENCES !BiobankSubCategory (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT;
     286  ALTER TABLE !`Biobank` 
     288  ADD CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_885`
     290      FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !BiobankSubCategory (id)  ON DELETE CASCADE;
     298  DELETE FROM !BiobankCategory
     300  WHERE id  NOT IN ("281", "284", "285") ;  
     308  ALTER TABLE !BiobankPersonRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     314  ALTER TABLE !`BiobankPersonRole` 
     316  ADD CONSTRAINT !`BiobankPersonRole_ibfk_33`
     318      FOREIGN KEY (!`id`) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id)  ON DELETE CASCADE;
     322  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='282';
     324  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='283';
     326  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='286';
     328  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='287';
     330  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='288';
     332  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='289';
     334  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='290';
     336  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='291';
     338  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='292';
     340  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='293';
     342  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='295';
     344  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='296';
     346  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='297';
     348  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='298';
     350  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='564';
     352  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='299';
     354  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='294';
     362  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="Software Engineer";
     364  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=561;
     366  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     368  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(561);
     372  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="coordinator";
     374  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=593;
     376  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     378  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(277);
     382  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="postdoc";
     384  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=594;
     386   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     388  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(278);
     392  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="administrator";
     394  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=595;
     396  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     398  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(279);
     404  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="IT responsible";
     406  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=596;
     408  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     410  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(280);
     414  //how to make values of Person Role appear in ui , you have to delete some old from DB :
     418  create a new Coordinator Role in the ui and remember the id 591 (select * from !PersonRole; --> the latest one, or check from ui )
     420  correct the Person table with t he new entry(that is not show in the ui) :
     424  update Person set Roles=591 where Roles=277
     428  delete the old one : 
     432  delete from !PersonRole where id=277;
     434  delete from  !BiobankPersonRole  where id=277;
     436  delete from !OntologyTerm  where id=277;
     440  repeat the same step for all of them
     446  COMMIT;
     450  ===========================================================
     452  !SubCategory
     454  biobank_ibfk_1
     456    CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !`BiobankSubCategory` (!`id`)
     458    CONSTRAINT !`biobank_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (!`SubCategory`) REFERENCES !`BiobankSubCategory` (!`id`),
     464  CREATE TABLE !BiobankPersonRole (
     466              id INTEGER NOT NULL
     468              , PRIMARY KEY(id)
     470  );
     474  ALTER TABLE !BiobankPersonRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES !PersonRole (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     478  alter table !OntologyTerm modify   column !__Type enum('!OntologyTerm','!PersonRole','Species','!AlternateId','!BiobankCategory','!BiobankTopic','!BiobankDataType', '!BiobankSubCategory','!BiobankPersonRole');
     482  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='282';
     484  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='283';
     486  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='286';
     488  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='287';
     490  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='288';
     492  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='289';
     494  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='290';
     496  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='291';
     498  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='292';
     500  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='293';
     502  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='295';
     504  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='296';
     506  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='297';
     508  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='298';
     510  UPDATE !OntologyTerm  SET !__Type="!BiobankSubCategory" WHERE id='564';
     514  /*below we resolve the problem of duplicate entries in ontology term for !PersonRole*/
     518  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="Software Engineer";
     520  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=561;
     522  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     524  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(561);
     528  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="coordinator";
     530  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=593;
     532  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     534  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(277);
     538  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="postdoc";
     540  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=594;
     542   select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     544  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(278);
     548  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="administrator";
     550  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=595;
     552  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     554  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(279);
     560  select * from !OntologyTerm where name="IT responsible";
     562  delete from !OntologyTerm where id=596;
     564  select * from !BiobankPersonRole;
     566  insert into !BiobankPersonRole values(280);
     572  COMMIT;