Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TransparentMultiHopSSHNewLobby

2021-07-07T18:12:57+02:00 (3 years ago)
Pieter Neerincx



  • TransparentMultiHopSSHNewLobby

    v2 v3  
    7 Our servers can only be accessed using a jumphost (a.k.a. proxy) server. This requires port 22 to be open on all machines between your computer and our jumphost server. [[BR]]
     7Most of our servers can only be accessed using a jumphost (a.k.a. proxy) server. This requires port 22 to be open on all machines between your computer and our jumphost server. [[BR]]
    88The existing {{{}}} will shortly be replaced by a new machine with the same name. This new machine currently has no DNS entry yet; the example config below is for the new {{{lobby}}} jumphost and is based on its IP address only.
    10 Note that previously there was also a jumphost named {{{}}}, but this one has been deprecated. Furthermore there many other machines specified in the example config like {{{flexo}}} and {{{bender}}}. Please remove all entries for these machines from your {{{~/.ssh/config}}} file:
    11  * The only line that should remain in your ~/.ssh/config for the UMCG Research HPC machines is:
     10Note that:
     11 * Previously there was also a jumphost named {{{}}}, but this one has been deprecated.
     12 * Furthermore the old example config listed many other machines like {{{flexo}}} and {{{bender}}}: Please remove all entries for machines that could be accessed via the old ''lobby'' or ''foyer'' jumphosts as well as the entries for these jumphosts themselves from your {{{~/.ssh/config}}} file:
     13 * The only line that should remain in your ~/.ssh/config for the UMCG Research HPC machines that must be accessed via a jumphost is:
    1214   {{{
    1315   Include conf.d/*
    1416   }}}
    15  * Additional lines that are required to access our machines are added to a separate {{{~/.ssh/conf.d/calculon}}} file now.
     17 * You should keep lines for machines that are accessed via our jumphost. E.g. lines for the {{{cher-ami}}} data staging server, for the RUG {{{peregrine}}} cluster and for machines from other sites/services.
     18 * Additional lines that are required to access our machines are added to a separate {{{~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby}}} file now.
    1720== Users on Linux / Unix / Mac OS X ==
    8083    #     which means it works with home dirs from a shared network file system.
    8184    #     (as sockets cannot be shared by servers.)
    82     #   * not getting to long as the hash has a fixed size not matter how long %l_%h_%p_%r was.
     85    #   * not getting to long as the hash has a fixed size no matter how long %l_%h_%p_%r was.
    8386    #
    8487    ControlMaster auto
    128131   Note the colon at the end of the ''scp'' and ''rsync'' commands. Without the colon you would copy to a local file named ''lobby+calculon''.
    129    You can add additional ''proxy+*'' aliases for other User Interface (UI) servers and other proxy servers depending on your computing preferences or authorization. If you also added the {{{Host *+*+*}}} code block you can do tripple hops starting with a proxy like this:
     132   You can add additional ''jumphost+*'' aliases for other User Interface (UI) servers depending on your computing preferences or authorization. If you also added the {{{Host *+*+*}}} code block you can do tripple hops starting with a jumphost like this:
    131 ssh proxy+intermediate_server+destination_server
     134ssh jumphost+intermediate_server+destination_server
    133136   In case you are on a network where the default port for SSH (22) is blocked by a firewall you can try to setup SSH over port 443 using an alias like this:
    140143   A: You may have failed to create the **''~/.ssh/tmp''** folder in the first step or the permissions on this folder are wrong. [[BR]][[BR]]
    141144 * Q: Why do I get the error {{{ControlPath too long}}}? [[BR]]
    142    A: The {{{ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%h_%p_%r}}} line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file expands to a path that is too long. Change the ''!ControlPath'' line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file to create a shorter path for the automagically created sockets. You can use for example {{{ControlPath /tmp/%h_%p_%r}}} to create sockets in /tmp. [[BR]][[BR]]
     145   A: The {{{ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%C}}} line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file expands to a path that is too long. Change the ''!ControlPath'' line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file to create a shorter path for the automagically created sockets. You can use for example {{{ControlPath /tmp/%h_%p_%r}}} to create sockets in /tmp. [[BR]][[BR]]
    143146 * Q: Why do I get the error {{{nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known. ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host}}}? [[BR]]
    144147   A: This server does not exist (anymore); You have a typo in the name of the server you are trying to connect to. Check both the command you typed as well as your ''~/.ssh/config'' for typos in server names. [[BR]][[BR]]
    170173   1. Go to **''Connection''** -> **''Data''** and fill in your user name in the **auto-login username''** option
    172  * You can now connect to for example '''' via for example proxy server '''' using a double hop like this
    173    * In **''Putty''** connect to **''''** (or choose another proxy from the list)
     175 * You can now connect to for example ''calculon'' via for example jumphost server '''' using a double hop like this
     176   * In **''Putty''** connect to **''''**
    174177   * Once the connection is established type the following command in a terminal:
    176 ssh
     179ssh youraccount@calculon
    178181   Change the name of the destination host to connect to other User Interface (UI) servers.