51 | | Means you first need to install R. |
| 51 | Means you first need to install R. After this is done, try again. Now it should read |
| 52 | |
| 53 | `Going to install: qtl`[[BR]] |
| 54 | `EXECUTING: echo install.packages\(\"qtl\",repos=\"http://cran.xl-mirror.nl/\",lib=\"/Users/joeri/libs\"\)\;q\(\"no\"\) > /var/folders/Qs/QsYTu8N8HhGqehzsaQaA5U+++TQ/-Tmp-/tmpRfile_1315820155628099000.R`[[BR]] |
| 55 | `EXECUTING: R CMD BATCH /var/folders/Qs/QsYTu8N8HhGqehzsaQaA5U+++TQ/-Tmp-/tmpRfile_1315820155628099000.R`[[BR]] |
| 56 | `Done installing qtl`[[BR]] |
| 57 | |
| 58 | After which the plugin checks whether the libraries are installed by looking at USER_HOME/libs. If a directory is not found, it is assumed that it is not installed. |
| 59 | |
| 60 | `checking dir: /Users/joeri/libs/bitops`[[BR]] |
| 61 | `checking dir: /Users/joeri/libs/qtl`[[BR]] |
| 62 | `checking dir: /Users/joeri/libs/RCurl`[[BR]] |
| 63 | `bitopsDir exists`[[BR]] |
| 64 | `qtlDir exists`[[BR]] |
| 65 | `rcurlDir exists`[[BR]] |