Version 17 (modified by 16 years ago) (diff) | ,
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Generating MOLGENIS from scratch
We will generate a new MOLGENIS by the example of a simple Address Book application:
a simple database having “Contacts” entities that each can have zero or more “Addresses”:
1. Create the data model XML
Create a new xml file ‘addressbook_db.xml’ in the root of you application. This file will contain the MOLGENIS model. Use the following template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE molgenis PUBLIC "MOLGENIS 1.0" ""> <molgenis name="addressbook"> </molgenis>
2. Add a “Contact” data type.
<molgenis name="addressbook"> <entity name="Contact"> </entity> </molgenis>
3. Add properties to the “Contact” data type.
- A unique, automatic numeric identifier field that MOLGENIS will use to refer contacts.
<field name="contact_id" type="autoid"/>
- A required and unique string field ‘displayname’ to have a unique label to find Contacts by. Note that if you provide no ‘type’ then type=”string” is implied.
<field name="displayname" unique="true"/>
- Optional (‘nillable’) string fields for firstname, lastname and midinitials:
<field name="firstname" nillable="true"/> <field name="midinitials" nillable="true"/> <field name="lastname" nillable="true"/>
- An optional field of type date for birthday:
<field name="birthday" type="date" nillable="true"/>
Attachments (1)
- address-book-screenshot.JPG (40.5 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
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