

Emaling from within your MOLGENIS application

Since 3.4.x

Set your email settings in ''

See MolgenisProperties?.

# 3. EMAIL settings if you want to email from within MOLGENIS plugins
# If you use smpts you may need to certify that you trust the server
# see

mail_smtp_from =
mail_smtp_protocol = smtps 
# protocol is either smtp or smtps
mail_smtp_hostname =
mail_smtp_port = 587
mail_smtp_user = molgenis
mail_smtp_password = molgenispass

Add the following code to your plugin

Inside your plugin you can use 'getEmailService()' to get access to the mail system. For example:

String from    = "";
String to      = "";
String message = "Dear Mr. X. We welcome you to read our first email.";
this.getEmailService().email(from, message, to);
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 2010-08-22T23:28:59+02:00