Version 6 (modified by 11 years ago) (diff) | ,
This page summarizes the roadmaps per major app domain:
Table of Contents
Mission: catalogue network to maximize use of samples and data (level 1-4)
- biobankers / data set providers can easily enter data (by hand or automatically)
- researchers can query the data and go to request data
- Merge ways to define meta data
- Data modelering overzetten van OMX naar EMX (Data api)
- Presentatie van data, zoals aggregaten, kunnen tonen als je hierarchische data
- custom layout
- Standaard method voor 'drill-down' in multi-dimensional data
- Standaard model, MIABIS uitbreidingen
- Handleiding
- Beheren van data
- Beheren van de meta-data
- Row-level security so biobankers can edit their own collections
- Multi-tenant (like linkedin?)
- Custom menu to customize
- Change styling css
- Implementatie team -> aansluit team met de UMCs
- Statistics of view, use, citations
- Audit trail
- Ontology data type + search (e.g. for dataType)
- Link to data request procedure
- sql query generiek
- aggregator moet ook sums, counts, concats, kunnen doen
- groepering in data explorer (visueel samenvoegen van rijen, beinvloed sorteer)
Mutation databases
Mission: relate patients/phenotypes to mutations
- patients (and their phenotypes)
- mutations (dominant/recessive)
- publications about above
- for mutations see know/predicted pathogenicity
- for recessive mutations see known pairs of disease causing mutations
- for patients see phenotypes, mutations
- for each record show link to publication/source that has the evidence
- EMX upload format (we aim for a standard template)
- data explorer for patients + mutation (in case of recessive: 2 mutations) + phenotypes
- data explorer for mutations + related second mutation + concluded pathogenicity (in case of recessive mutation I need to browse by first and second mutation, see col7a1)
- genome browser with gene, domains, introns/exons, mutations
- pages for news, background, etc
N.B. this app would be greatly helped by 'nested' data elements to display patient <- mutations relationship