Version 12 (modified by 12 years ago) (diff) | ,
Please edit below to add comments:
Good features:
- we can add groups
- we can add projects
- we can assign project to groups
- we can assign groups to project
- we can create custom pages
- we can make a group / project be hyperlink to another website (linkout)
- we cannot make sub-groups or sub-project (I think that makes our life much easier!)
Features that seem missing:
- we cannot customize logo per project/group?
- we cannot add pages to project / group (I would expect that a Group / Project would be a page that I can create sub-pages for but it is not???)
- we cannot filter News and Output when inside project/group (I would expect: using group / project name as preset tag-filter)?
- we cannot say that groups / projects are also tags (e.g. I want to mark an output as 'lude-group')
- The background is scrolling at a different speed than the text is very disoriating and it makes it this makes it difficult / annoying to read the text.
- Why are 'news' and 'output' not the same. I would propose Output should be the 'blog'; news are blog items tagged as 'news'.
- Site is sluggish on iPad
- I don't really like the flashy video and black background, looks like a hacker website instead of a research portal (+3)
- The title video does not work on my iPad. Would be nice if there is some static alternative instead of a big black bar
- The background when using an iPad only updates half a second after stopping with scrolling.
- The title movie could be a bit more subtle. i.e. the particle things floating around could do this more slowly same holds for movements of the text
- A lot of scrolling is needed to view the page, even on high-res displays
- 'Video text' feels unnecessary, takes 30% CPU (of an i5) to render which slows down scrolling considerably
- Black/white contrast in header-middle-footer feels crude, as if the components don't belong together
- Responsive layout is a bit 'schokkerig'