- Go to Mysql in the terminal and create new database (see MySQL tutorial) named animaldb_pheno
- In Eclipse go to gcc -> handwritten /apps -> org.molgenis -> animaldb
- Open animaldb.properties
search for db_uri, check if animaldb_pheno is the database. Looks like this: jdbc:mysql://__localhost__/animaldb_pheno?innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2
- Open AnimalDBGenerate.java, run application as java application.
- Right click on gcc project en refresh
- Open AnimalDBUpdateDatabase.java and run as java application
- Right click on gcc project and run as run on server. The first time you have to select the tomcat server (give path to the server, see also setup Tomcat)
Last modified 14 years ago
Last modified on 2011-07-12T11:24:27+02:00