
Version 21 (modified by Morris Swertz, 14 years ago) (diff)



Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about MOLGENIS. If you have a question not answered on this page, you can ask it on the MailingList. See the MolgenisSupport? page for more options on getting support and services for MOLGENIS.

Customizing look & layout

For customization of the MOLGENIS look & feel there are several options depending on the level of customization:

  1. colors & fonts can be set in your molgenis_distro/WebContent/generated-res/css/colors.css (there are some example each named colors_*)
  2. change the links on the top: depending on your version this is a plugin inside molgenis_distro/handwritten/java/plugins.header/MolgenisHeader.ftl
  3. change of the headers & footers of the application can be set in molgenis\src\org\molgenis\framework\ui\UserInterface.ftl
  4. change of the various screens (this would be hard) in molgenis\src\org\molgenis\framework\ui\[other elements].ftl


This is known to happen if you update to the newest mysql driver (5.1.10) 5.1.2-beta work fine. See #51

It doesn't work after checkout!

It can happen that MOLGENIS doesn't compile in Eclipse and that you get a lot of red crosses. Check then if you have JDK 1.6 as runtime. In Eclipse go to:

  1. In the main menu select 'Windows'
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Select Java
  4. Select Installed JRE's
  5. If there is no 1.6 they you need to add it.

Also see MolgenisWorkspaceBasics

I want to automatically select my plugin


  1. Use the '_target' parameter in the form containing the selecting action
    <input type="hidden" name="_target" value="name of the plugin"/>
  1. In the handleRequest of the targetted plugin change selection of menu

Create new MOLGENIS project

  • creeer een nieuw 'dynamic web project'
  • vervolgens moet je 'handwritten/java' 'generated/java' en 'generated/sql' aanmaken
  • onder project -> properties -> build path set the Source to match these folders (and not 'src')
  • kopieer WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • kopieer WebContent/index.html
  • kopieer/creeer je _db.xml en _ui.xml
  • kopieer en pas aan aan je xmls en database_name
  • daarna kopieer je MolgenisGenerate?.java etc naar je handwritten/java
  • project -> Java EE dependecies naar 'molgenis'
  • run

Can/should I use Infobright / Brigthouse for big data

The Infobright open source version can only be populated using their own data loader. It doesn't support INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE so in practice it is useless for anything else than one-off data warehousing. Then you need to pay top dollar.

How to remove *.svn directories

Use the following bat script in windows

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a:d *svn') do (
rd /s /q "%%i"