

Open the MOLGENIS workspace in Eclipse

Many application developers use Eclipse to develop MOLGENIS applications. Therefore a ready made Eclipse project is the standard MOLGENIS distribution.

  1. Download the latest '' from Just download and unzip. A directory 'molgenisXX_workspace' is created.
  2. Start Eclipse and browse to MOLGENIS molgenis3X_workspace you downloaded and unzipped before. Open. You will see in the left pane:

The molgenis3X_workspace contains two projects. (a) molgenis3_x contains all code of the MOLGENIS framework (b) the project molgenis3_x_distro contains an application template which you will use to create the new MOLGENIS application with.

  1. Check whether MOLGENIS is properly linked with Java: Right-click on the molgenis3_x project and choose [refresh]. Then right-click on the molgenis3_x_distro project and choose [refresh]. This will force Eclipse to rebuild the code for your platform.

If everything is well then there will be no errors listed in the problems pane on the bottom of your screen.

  1. (Skip step unless library issues). To link missing system libraries choose [Window] -> [Preferences]. Then browse to Java -> Installed JREs. Finally add your JDK. This should be 1.6! and tick to be used as default.
  2. Open the molgenis3_x_distro project and explore. This unveils the basic MOLGENIS application structure:
    • contains the settings of your applications.
    • The *.xml files contain your MOLGENIS models
    • WebContent contains web resources (images, javascript, etc)
    • generated/java and generated/sql will contain the output of the MOLGENIS generator.
    • handwritten/java contains the MOLGENIS generator tools and any programs you will add.

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Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 2010-08-22T23:25:56+02:00

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